Brew variables series – Talk 3: Ratio and Intro to Dose

The video

  • We continuing going into the understanding of the variables and terminology around brewing
  • This is a guide for you to create you own recipes, it is not a prescribed methodology

Ratio as a concept

  • Ratio is the amount of coffee to the amount of water in or out (depending on brew). Or Dose to Yield
  • The ratio you use is linked to the brew type.
  • Depending on the brew It may be easier to measure water in rather than water out (yield). Dose and yield are normally associated with espresso but can be used for other brew types.
  • Typically, the tighter (or lower) the ratio, the lower the extraction.
  • Ratios are a guide, a starting point. The ratio that you use will depend on the coffee (origin, terroir, processing and roast.)
  • See rant on ratios

Ratios in brew type

Brew TypeEspresso / MochaTurkish / iBrikPlunger / CuppingPour over / Auto Drip
Typical Ratio range1:1-1:41:8-1:121:15-1:17
In grams1g:1g – 1:4g1g:8g-1:12g8g:100g – 5:100g
Measure byYieldWater In (I/WI)Water In

Taste – ABCD

  • Let taste be your guide, in coffee (and all things we eat and drink) taste is king.
  • Applying the ABCD rule to the brew:
    • If the brew is acidic (ie sour like) and has no sweetness then the ratio is too low,
    • if the brew is bitter (NOT sour) more of the burnt or 80% choc taste the ratio is too high
    • If the brew is thin CHECK grind first before ratio

DYT – basics

  • To design your brew you need to know:
    • How much coffee to use
    • How much water to add in (for none espresso) or how much brew is in the cup (yield)
  • To determine the DYT you want (or DWIT/WIT (Dose Water In Time or Dose In Time))
    • First, consider the vessel you are using
    • Second, make sure you understand the Max and min dose of your equipment 
    • Use those two to determine a Dose range. 
    • Once you have that range, start in the middle.

DYT and grind size

  • The finer the grind the smaller the volume the grinds takes up
  • This is important to understand with Espresso specifically. Since each portafilter filter basket has a min and max point, that depends on the espresso machine and the basket used.
  • For all brew (not turkish)
    • Too fine a grind caused chocking
    • Too coarse a grind promotes channelling.
  • Chocking is when the water cannot pass through the coffee grinds
  • Channelling is when the water finds a “break” or “crack” in the grounds bed. The result is that a channel is opened and the water flows easily through that channel, ignoring the majority of the grinds.

Dose – Fix it first

  • Dose is the easiest to fix first. Start in the middle as mentioned before.
  • For Espresso:
    • Pressed or uncalibrated baskets use the double, and start with 14g
    • For precession or calibrated baskets use the recommended dose.
    • Either way, the grind must be coarse enough to not press on the shower screen, and not fine enough to be too far away from the shower screen.
  • For iBrik
    • Start with a 1:2 ratio
  • For Mocha pot:
    • Water in is fixed, so manipulate the dose by manipulating the grind setting. Remember from before.
      • Too fine = chock which will mean the pressure valve activates.
      • Too course and channelling will occur and a thin tasting coffee will result.
  • For filter and immersion:
    • Start with the recommendation of the manufacturer which is typical:
      • 5.5g:100g for auto-drip
      • 6g:100g for steep/pour over

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